The Book Marketers'

Ethical Freelancer Policy

The Book Marketer is an author support service committed to ethical and transparent practices in supporting authors on their self-publishing journeys. We believe in fostering a community of trust and respect between authors, readers, and the wider self-publishing community.

Transparency and Author Empowerment:

  • Ethical Freelancer Policy: It is important to us to be clear about our ethical freelancer policy. We are an author support service comprised of a network of freelance authors and editors. We are not a vanity press or a hybrid publisher.

  • Author Control: Unlike many companies in this space, our authors retain all rights to their work and keep all of their royalties. Authors also retain control of their publishing and advertising accounts at all times.

  • Independent Success: Our goal is to equip authors with the skills and knowledge to publish, promote, and sell their books independently. We want to see our authors succeed on their own terms, not ours.

  • Empowerment Through Education: At The Book Marketer, we aim to empower authors to self-publish successfully while maintaining full control over their work. We charge a reasonable fee to teach authors the skills they need to thrive in self-publishing.

  • Flexible Support: This can be achieved through standalone consultation sessions or by teaming up with you to guide you through the process.

  • High-Quality Freelancers: Our network of freelance editors, designers, and marketers are committed to providing high-quality, tailored support to each author.

Our Principles:

  • Honesty and Transparency: We will accurately represent the services we offer and the potential outcomes for authors. We will avoid making exaggerated claims or guarantees about book sales or success.

  • Client Selection: We will accept clients whose work aligns with our values and expertise. We will be upfront about declining projects that we believe wouldn't be a good fit.

  • Confidentiality: We will maintain the confidentiality of all client information and manuscripts entrusted to us.

  • Fair Pricing: We will offer competitive and transparent pricing for our services. We will clearly outline all fees and expenses associated with a project upfront. We provide a bursary for authors living on a low income.

  • Value for Money: We will ensure that the services we provide offer clear value and benefit to our clients.

  • Multiple Service Options: We will offer a variety of service packages to cater to different author needs and budgets.

  • Ethical Marketing and Promotion: We will employ ethical marketing and promotional practices to promote our clients' books. This includes avoiding spam tactics, fake reviews, or misleading advertising.

  • Focus on Book Quality: We will prioritize promoting the quality of the book and its content to attract genuine readers.

  • Fair Competition: We will not engage in practices that undermine the success of other authors or their books.

Professional Development:

  • Continuous Learning: We are dedicated to staying informed about the latest trends and best practices in self-publishing.

  • Accurate Information: We will provide clients with accurate and up-to-date information on the self-publishing industry.

  • Industry Collaboration: We will actively engage with other industry professionals to foster a collaborative and supportive environment.

Dispute Resolution:

  • Clear Communication: We will maintain open communication with clients throughout the project.

  • Fair Resolution: We will strive to handle any disputes with clients promptly and fairly.

By adhering to these ethical principles, The Book Marketer aims to build a strong reputation in the self-publishing community and empower authors to achieve their publishing goals with integrity. 


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